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Cleveland Author Jameel Davis and Jasmine Arrington presents, ESKAAPE (Empowering Self-Knowledge to African American People Everywhere), a self-empowerment and fellowship group.


Our Mission is to demand and practice respect, while promoting true African excellence and moral conduct. We work to promote love, joy, healthy relationships as well as true African success, arts and talents within ourselves, our communities and beyond. We share our unique talents, gifts and generosity to inspire others, as well as, focus on entertainment and fun activities to build a more friendlier environment and to reduce life's stress.

Not only is ESKAAPE where people can run to free themselves from life's stress, but it is an environment where they can express themselves. They will learn and experience true love, joy, respect, empathy and compassion.  

ESKAAPE From That Clouded Mind and Negative Situation and Come Be Set Free.


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